Blog Archives
Seoul Fashion Week

Written on March 26, 2016 at 7:35 pm, by icio
Living in Dubai for the past 8 months truly makes me miss fashion. I miss dressing up. Mixing and matching prints in the craziest way possible, going to the thrift store to buy a vintage belt or a denim jacket. Heading to the cheap markets to get $10 dresses and skirts. Dolling up for crazyContinue Reading
#1 Intro

Written on March 25, 2016 at 6:07 pm, by icio
I’ve decided to create a blog just to keep my random candid thoughts, ideas, photos, travels, adventures and experiences because I do have a terrible memory and in life I come across so much that I want to share or keep. This reason is the birth of this website. It’s March of 2016 and IContinue Reading