Blog Archives
Working Cafes Bali: Pison Coffee

Written on December 13, 2016 at 11:33 am, by jemie
This was such a gem, too bad we found it a few days before leaving Seminiyak! Pison is a 2 storey cafe with amazing desserts. The upstairs area is usually quieter and you will find people on their laptops working (which always makes me feel comforted). The wi-fi is one of the faster ones inContinue Reading
Work-able Cafes in Dubai

Written on April 1, 2016 at 3:44 pm, by jemie
I’ve been in Dubai for 8 months and every week, I would check out a new cafe to work. Dubai does have some treasures around and of course it’s better to have cake and coffee while working. 🙂 I’ve yet to find a perfect one with: Working Wi-Fi Nice ambiance Good food and drinks Plugs for chargerContinue Reading