It was my first time at WONDERFRUIT and I was in awe of the artists from the ones that played music to the ones that built every stage beautifully. Each stage was crafted sustainably focusing on elevating the space around the nature and every stage was different from the architecture, shapes, surroundings and materials. I loved them all so uniquely as they were created.

Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia

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Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia

Everyday the space is filled with people being free, in the daytime kids and parents fill their days by making kites, chasing clouds and painting faces while the other adults gets educated about fruits and vegetables, urban farming, water sustainability, how to ferment vegetables and learning about our eco systems and how we can reduce our carbon footprints.

Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia

Processed with VSCO with dog3 preset

Processed with VSCO with dog3 preset

Every evening, you watch the sky change colours from light to dark with eccentric music in the background playing and technicolor lights slowly appear in your panoramic view. The lights and music captures your attention and it’s off to a night of dancing and good music.

Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia Wonderfruit 2018 Travel Singapore Singaporean Lifestyle Fun Festival Asia

Getting there:
There are 2 options, you can either stay onsite or book accommodations at Pattaya city. Getting back and forth from the festival is fairly easy as Grab has a tent at the entrance with plenty of drivers, there was also a discount code that can be used up to 3 times per card. It’s a pretty standard rate of 700 THB – 800 THB, if you go earlier in the day the fares are cheaper.