Blog Archives
What is Nasi Lemak?

Written on November 12, 2016 at 5:24 pm, by jemie
Description Nasi lemak is Malay for “rice in cream”, a reference to the rice being cooked in coconut milk, or “richly flavoured rice”. The rice is lightly salted and made fragrant with a knot of pandan leaves added while the rice is still cooking. It is the ordinary man’s breakfast, traditionally served with fried fishContinue Reading
Work-able Cafes in Dubai

Written on April 1, 2016 at 3:44 pm, by jemie
I’ve been in Dubai for 8 months and every week, I would check out a new cafe to work. Dubai does have some treasures around and of course it’s better to have cake and coffee while working. 🙂 I’ve yet to find a perfect one with: Working Wi-Fi Nice ambiance Good food and drinks Plugs for chargerContinue Reading